Have you ever considered, even wondered, desired, or believe that God has called you to plant & pastor a church? Do you believe that there is a need for more churches & campuses ministries to be established specifically in downtown & urban cities across the world?
If so, ResLife maybe for you!
Again, ResLife is our Church Planting Residency here at Family Life Austin that helps in Identifying, Assessing, Equipping, & Empowering a diverse group of Church Planters who will help others find life in Christ in downtown & urban areas across the world.
This 18 to 24 month program includes & provides a robust, holistic, & intensive experience to help best prepare you to potentially fulfill the call of church planting and/or set you in place for the ministry God has for you.
We believe more than ever that The City Needs What You Have, and we desire to help you express this through our residency as seen fit.
If you would like to inquire more information about ResLife and the necessary steps it would take apply for this residency, please email us at [email protected] and we will be in contact with you shortly!